Mission: Save America Team

Tom Vail is the Founder and Director of Mission Save America, Inc. He saw a need for a restoration of patriotism and morality in American society, and little action to restore it. After hearing a sermon about the civic duty of a Christian and learning about the Black Robed Regiment, he engaged on a mission to spread the word about the duty of Christians to engage in civic responsibility.
Beginning with a campaign of sharing cards with printed inforation about the Black Robed Regiment, he visits churches, political meetings and social gatherings with the intent to make people aware of the Christian history of our Nation, and encourage them to put their patriotism and Christian beliefs into practice.
Tom has a Master’s Degree in Business and a Law Degree from George Washington University in Washington, DC. He has been the Director of a small, family-owned multinational conglomerate engaged in import/export and logistics. At its peak, the business entity had 7 locations in two countries, 100 employees and regular sales of $100,000 per week.
In addition to this mission, Tom is currently serving as the First Vice Chair of the Lake County, Florida Republican Executive Committee.
Tom is married to Vara, an immigrant from Thailand, who recently converted from Buddhism to Christianity, and who became a US Citizen and voter in September 2023. They have two teen aged sons.