Larry Brumback
Larry is a 1971 graduate of Virginia Military Institute and served ten years in the US Air Force as a B-52 Navigator and an air traffic control officer. After retiring, he has attended seminary courses working toward a pastoral degree. He has been working with Liberty Pastors for several years and now attends Liberty Church Orlando where he is the director of The Salt and Light Council Ministry.

Salt and Light Council
The Salt & Light Council is a non-political, non-partisan organization, dedicated to promoting biblical moral values in the public sector. Further, we are a coalition of cross-denominational churches with active Salt and Light Citizenship Ministries working to rebuild our Christian heritage in America. We seek to love and care for all of God’s people, transforming hearts and minds through prayer, education and action.
We mobilize Christians at the grassroots level, helping them to live out their responsibility to influence government and civic affairs for good. History has clearly shown that without a strong, godly influence to overcome the natural tendency toward evil, governmental authority will destroy God-given rights, including the right to hear and speak His truth.
Watch this 5 minute Youtube video about how to start a Salt and Light Council in YOUR Church