OCCUPY: Christian Leadership in the Community
OCCUPY is the title of this Conference – based on Luke 19:13 Occupy til I come – the meaning of which is for the servant to be actively and profitably engaged in his Master’s business until the return of the Master.
Our event is designed to encourage and equip Pastors, Christians and Churches to ACTIVELY engage in taking their faith into practice in Society, Politics and Government.
You will hear about the Christian origins of our Nation and our Government.
You will hear how Communists have infiltrated the Church around the world to mislead Christians and undermine morality.
You will learn about organizations which can support YOUR duty as a Christian Citizen.
You will hear about CURRENT, REAL WORLD EXAMPLES of Christians and Pastors TAKING ACTION in Government, Society and Politics.
You will unlearn what you have heard about “Separation of Church and State.” It’s NOT about keeping Church out of State. It’s REALLY about keeping Government out of Church.
Christian Leaders MUST be Society’s Leaders!

And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.
~ Luke 19:13
Speakers Scheduled for OCCUPY
LIVE Speaker Presentations:
Pastor Dan Fisher, Fairview Baptist Church, Fairview, OK; Liberty Pastors – “Bringing Back the Black Robed Regiment” – a costumed, historical presentation about how Christian Pastors were instrumental in the Revolutionary War and the founding of our Nation
Trevor Loudoun – “Enemies within the Church”
KrisAnne Hall, Constitutional Attorney – The Legal, Constitutional, and Biblical Requirements to Take a Stand
Pastor Robert Sutton, Southwood Baptist Church, Tallahassee, FL – Mission to Florida State Legislature
Chip Moore, Florida State Director for Turning Point USA Faith (a subsidiary of Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point) –
Larry Mayo, President and CEO, Institute on the Constitution – Teaching the Christian Foundations of the US Constitution in your church or school
Pastor Paul Pickern, Founder and Director, All Pro Pastors, Plant City, FL – WITHDRAWN due to another commitment.
Pastor Demensio Barton, Former Candidate for School Board for Orange County, FL – serving as MC
Pastor Kelvin Cobaris – WITHDRAWN due to a conflict
Pastor Raymond Hadley, Liberty Church Orlando,
– What it means to OCCUPYLarry Brumback, Salt and Light Council Leader at Liberty Baptist Church, Maitland, FL – Turning America’s Culture Back to God Starts in Our Churches
Vicky Cherry, Host, Orlando Pro Life Radio; County Captain, Florida Human Life Protection Amendment – The Human Life Amendment, the Abortion Amendment and building a Pro Life Coalition to stop abortion in Florida
Florida Citizens Alliance – LIVE by phone
Event Highlight!
Derek Stemen, Vice President of Advancement, Lifewise Academy – Bible Study for Public School Students DURING SCHOOL HOURS! How YOUR church can do this.
Special Guest Speaker
Doug Bankson, Pastor and current Member of the Florida State House – Presentation by pre-recorded video – Appearance CANCELLED due to illness
pre-recorded video presentations:
Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne – The River Church, Tampa, FL, Evangelist, arrested for holding church services in Tampa during COVID lockdown, recently returning from a 6 week tour of Africa meeting with Kings and other Heads of State
Pastor Jack Hilligoss, Highpoint Church, Lake Wales, FL, Mayor of Lake Wales, – One Church can Change One City (helped members of his church get elected to public office and appointed to Boards and Commissions)